How Sports Built My Career

How Sports Built My Career

By Derron Steenbergen Sometimes, it all begins with sports… After going to college to be a school teacher and realizing I could not do that the rest of my life, I found myself in the broadcasting business. I began selling and doing play by play for high school sports....
Mental Health Awareness Month: A Time to Prioritize Your Wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Month: A Time to Prioritize Your Wellbeing

Mental health is no longer a taboo topic at work. Thankfully, we’ve moved beyond that. However, while we’re better at supporting colleagues, are we neglecting our own mental well-being? This Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s dedicate some focused...
Building a Dynamic Media Sales Internship Program

Building a Dynamic Media Sales Internship Program

Welcome to the world of media sales, where every day is a new adventure! Creating an effective internship program is crucial for nurturing the next generation of sales professionals. With sales being a competitive market, your internship program at your station must...