Back in 2019 (which feels like a million years ago) I wrote a blog about “4 Superhero Traits That Salespeople Have.” In this blog, we discussed the four traits superheroes and salespeople had in common (Resilience, Passion, Confidence, and Goal-Oriented), but did you...
It’s that time of year when every salesperson must start thinking about the new year and come up with goals and metrics for 2022. Sounds easy, right? Well, for some it can be both stressful and daunting. BUT no need to stress! Because lucky for you, we’ve come up with...
According to, 55% of Americans believe they are capable of starting a business. However, 20% of those businesses fail within the first year, which is a lot. So, why does this happen? Many factors come into play, but, often, the individual did not...
Earlier this summer, P1 Learning’s Speed Marriott and the Swagger Institute’s Derron Steenbergen launched “Speed & Swagger: Ten-Minute Trainer,” a weekly video training series designed to educate and motivate media sellers and managers during these...
The way we conduct business has changed. We went from being out and about within our community to doing business remotely via Zoom (and in some cases, still in our pajamas). This isn’t anything that you haven’t heard, but what’s important to...
Oh, it’s the delightful time of the year when many advertising contracts are due for renewal. Listen, everyone knows that retaining existing customers is more cost-effective than finding new ones. In fact, the White House Office of Consumer Affairs says it costs...