How to Rock The New Year as a Salesperson

How to Rock The New Year as a Salesperson

by | Dec 8, 2021

It’s that time of year when every salesperson must start thinking about the new year and come up with goals and metrics for 2022. Sounds easy, right? Well, for some it can be both stressful and daunting. BUT no need to stress! Because lucky for you, we’ve come up with goals and suggestions we believe will help the sellers of 2022 be even better and allow them to exceed their goals.

Tip 1: Focus on Improving Time Management

From prospecting, lead generation, cold calling, client meetings, and team meetings, working in sales can feel overwhelming. It is how you time manage these tasks that makes all the difference. Here are some ways you can start using right now to get the new year off on the right track.

  • No more email refreshing. Although it is important to check email and stay on top of responding to clients, doing it all day can distract you from critical tasks. Try limiting your email checks to two times in the morning and then two more times again in the afternoon to help you stay focused. I know this sounds impossible for most of us, but give it a try. We’ve all built a horrible habit of the “every 5-minute email refresh”. Listen, these messages aren’t going anywhere, so take control of your digital life.
  • Stop chasing squirrels. Allow me to elaborate here. You need to work on one project/task at a time, meaning it’s time to stop getting distracted by the little things. Not everyone is built to be a multi-tasker. Set aside dedicated time to work on projects.
  • Set aside some “you” time. Making a schedule will help you prioritize what needs to be done, allows you to focus but more importantly allows you to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Tip 2: Know Your Customer Better

Converting a prospect into a client takes trust between both parties. This year, get to know your customers better by having regular conversations with them that will help you understand their motivations, reservations, and desires. Make sure you are asking the right questions during your visit and, most importantly, actively listen to their answers. In time, that relationship will grow. The better you get to know your customers, the better you can tailor your solutions to their unique problems.

Tip 3: Embrace Technology

It is safe to say that most sellers prefer face-to-face meetings over video chats, phone calls or emails. But today’s new world has proven this might not always be the case for the client. A recent survey by Accenture showed that only 12 percent of clients want to meet in person. Some of this attributes to the pandemic while other clients just prefer to avoid a face-to-face meeting. While we’re always a big believer in getting face-to-face with your client, it’s never a bad time to start learning about the latest tools and applications that will help you be better at virtual selling, or at least a combination of both.

Tip 4: Continue to Educate Yourself

In today’s fast-paced world, it is good to always be learning the latest trends and procedures in your field. This can be done through a multitude of ways — listening to sales podcasts, reading blogs and articles, or going through sales training with P1 Learning (how’s that for self-promotion!?). Whatever it is that you choose, make sure you grow yourself as a sales professional this year. In fact, as long as we’re shamelessly plugging our company, check out our new Marketing Pro certification program, here.

Tip 5: Work Hard, Play Harder

Make sure you are taking time for yourself. We briefly mentioned this above, but please don’t get burned out by the end of the next year. Job stress is a real thing. Here are a few things you can do to help you gain balance in the coming year.

  • Be efficient with your time at work.
  • Take breaks.
  • Listen to music. Studies have shown that listening to music can help with concentration, reduce stress and stimulate activity.
  • Communicate with your co-workers and boss. When you are behind or in a bind, let your team know. You never know who might have the solution to your problem.
  • Care for yourself. Make sure you are eating right, doing physical activity, and getting proper rest.
  • Take time off. It’s okay to step away from the office for vacation. This is good for you in the long run.

Remember, the start of the new year is a new opportunity to be better. If you embrace these suggestions and think critically about your goals, you will be able to take on the challenges of 2022 and beyond.

Need more inspiration? We got you covered! Watch “Goal Management,” “Sales Time Management, ” “Conducting the Needs Assessment” and “Developing Your Business Plan.”

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