We’re happy to bring back guest contributor, Bob “Z” Zuroweste for a third week! With 30+ years in the media industry, you may know Z from his time as VP/Market Manager Clear Channel, Sr. VP/Director of Sales for CBS Radio, VP/Market Manager for Entercom and Shamrock.
Yep, things are tough right now. A recession, protests, pandemic. It’s the trifecta of business obstacles?
In recent weeks we started to hear the term “The New Norm” bandied about on daily basis. The battle cry of TV Network anchors, business leaders and yes, maybe you. To my mind, there is no such thing as normal anymore, new or otherwise. We are in a constant state of flux and change… how in any way can we use the term normal to describe our world, or business today?
On the other hand, isn’t it true that the more things change the more they stay the same?
Most of you reading this blog may have experienced the Great Recession, Swine Flu, or how about the protests following the Rodney King protests? Others of you reading this blog with a, shall I say, few more years under your belt remember, MLK and JFK assassination, Viet Nam, Gas Shortages, 18% Home Loans, The Iranian Hostage Crisis. You get the idea…
My point here is that we have been through this before and survived and even thrived. Forgive the use of some overused phrases I am going to use below, but they seem as appropriate now as ever.
- When the going gets tough… the tough get going.
- That what doesn’t kill you… makes you stronger.
- The definition of insanity… doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
- The secret of getting ahead… is getting started.
- If it is to be… it is up to me.
Here’s one more for you from the late, Steve Jobs, Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. I like that one. Remember, it’s okay to take the time to trust and listen to yourself. Ultimately, your attitude is yours and yours alone. No one controls you, except you. How do you motivate yourself? How do you get through challenging times? It all begins with ATTITUDE!
Our next blog we will be discussing the FOUR things to do to get through this recession. Until then!
– Bob “Z” Zuroweste
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