No one likes to be ghosted. In a past article, we discussed ways to not be ghosted when hiring. Today, I would like to discuss how one can get ghosted in other areas of work and how one can avoid that. Whether it’s a client who stopped responding to your emails, or a co-worker who doesn’t answer your team chat messages. Being ghosted never feels good, but there are ways to help eliminate this phenomenon.
What to do when a client ghosts you:
You’ve put together the proposal, worked hard on it for days/weeks, and had 5 people review it before finally sending and everyone loves it. It is time to send it over to the client for their feedback…and then…nothing. So, what do you do? Our suggestion is simple yet effective… follow up! It can be done with an email and call or in person depending on the situation. If you still don’t hear from them, we suggest doing it again. Here at P1, we have a saying that we are always on the edge of pest and persistence when it comes to sales. We understand the client could be non-responsive for several reasons. None of these are about us, so we make sure that we stay on top of communication, so they know we are still here when they are ready.
What to do when co-workers ghost you:
Like any relationship, the one you share with your co-workers can be one of the trickiest. Some people like to be overly social while others prefer to be on their own. Knowing your surroundings and what works for others on the team is key to co-workers avoiding or ghosting you. Ways you can combat this is to talk with each member of the team and learn their communication styles. If they prefer to communicate via email or on chat, then do that. Make sure that when working on projects clear lines of communication are established so everyone involved knows the deadlines and what is expected.
What to do when your boss ghosts you:
Everyone has asked for feedback on a project from their boss. While it is human nature to what a quick response when it comes to upper management this process could take a little longer. This could be misunderstood as ghosting, but it could be that they have a lot going on. A good way to make sure you understand your boss better is to ask when they might be able to review items presented to them. Maybe schedule a follow-up meeting in a few weeks to allow them time to review and give you the time to discuss things 1:1 with them. They may get busy and forget so follow up with an email or go into their office and ask if they had time to review the items presented. Doing these steps will help you feel like you haven’t been left in the dark.
Don’t be a ghost!
Finally, make sure when working with others that you don’t ghost them. We know how much it can hurt to be ignored so here are some tips on how you can stop or at least try to stop being a ghost to others.
- When someone reaches out respond quickly. If you have a lot going on and can’t give a thorough response, tell them. People appreciate the heads-up and will understand.
- When you say you will be in touch with them soon. Be in touch with them soon! Don’t forget. Put this in your calendars to make sure you follow up.
- Be honest. Make sure you are realistic about what you can do for others and how you can accomplish those goals. If you are not able to do the project, it is okay to say no or communicate it would take more time. Whatever you do, don’t ignore them.
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