Appointment setting is one of the most requested topics these days. Let’s face it; sellers are always looking for the most effective way to attract new clients. So, let’s tackle this topic head-on.
In working with media-based companies all over the country, we’ve found that it tends to take about 10 “cold calls” or introductory e-mails to generate one face-to-face appointment. A 10 to 1 ratio. Further, through our experience, you should expect to close about 3 out of every 10 of those face-to-face appointments. Sure, it’ll take time, it’ll take patience, it’ll take a killer C.N.A. and proposal, but on average 10 appointments will eventually distill down to about 3 sales. Are you with me on that? Great… But first, we’ve got to start with setting that initial appointment.
Personally, I like to start off with an e-mail to the prospective client. Unfortunately, I realize that not all of us have contact names piled up on our cell phones. So finding the appropriate decision maker can take a little bit of time and research… luckily the internet is our friend. I highly suggest digging into the prospective customer’s website and social media pages. Personally, I try to keep an up-to-date profile on Linkedin so that I can use my network to its fullest. I think you can find this to be very helpful when looking for the appropriate decision-maker. However, before tracking down your prospective client’s e-mail address, a huge word of caution: Please be sure to check out the updated CAN-SPAM Laws. The last thing that you want to do is damage the brand of your company by sending a bunch of unsolicited emails.
Okay, now on to the fun part… the e-mails. The initial email should tell your prospect three things: who you are, what you do, and why you want some of their time. The second email should be a personable follow-up. I’ve included two of my absolute favorite e-mail templates. In all honesty, the first template or the first e-mail rarely gets a response. It’s more of a setup for the follow-up e-mail, which is designed to grab their attention as it’s more personable. Typically, I’ll space out the e-mails about a week apart followed by a phone call. Keep in mind that your prospect is no different than yourself. They’re busy and get flooded with e-mails every day, so it’s best to have fun with it.
E-mail #1:
E-mail Title:
Intro – [Your First Name] with [Your Company]
E-mail Body:
Hi [Name],
My name is [Your Name], and I help run [Your Company’s Website], [A Brief Synopsis Of Your Company] company out of [Where Your Company Is Based].
We work with companies like [Company Name], [Company Name], [Company Name], and others. If possible, I would love the opportunity to connect to learn about your initiatives at [Customer Name].
Let me know if you’re free over the next couple of weeks. I’d appreciate the opportunity to chat.
[Your Standard E-mail Signature]
Whew! The first e-mail is out the door. Now kick back and relax and wait for them to reply…. or not. I hate to tell you, but the chances of them responding are fairly minimal. Face it; you’re one of the many e-mails that they’ve received today. Don’t fret! Give it a week or so, a full 5 to 7 days, and then go back to your original email. This time, click reply and try sometime like…
E-mail #2:
E-mail Title: (Use the existing email chain)
RE: Intro – [Your First Name] with [Your Company]
E-mail Body:
Hi again, [Potential Customer Name],
I know your inbox is probably a busy place, so I just wanted to send a quick follow-up e-mail. I’d love to chat with [Potential Company Name] to [The Thing You Want] to learn about your initiatives. My original e-mail is copied below for quick reference.
Look forward to connecting,
-Bryan [Place Your Name Above Standard Footer, It’s More Personalized]
[Your Standard E-mail Signature]
Alright! Now, our second email is out the door. How are you feeling this go around? Better? I know I typically do. In our experience, your second email is more likely to get a response… and it should!
To me, this e-mail says, “hey, I’m a real person. I know you’re busy because I’m busy too, but I think we would have some similarities if you have a few minutes to connect”. And that’s the message we want to portray. I can’t guarantee that I’m going to save them money, or that I am going to make an immediate impact… because I don’t know their needs, but what I can say is “hey, let’s chat.” You’ve got to be upfront, honest, and genuinely want to learn more about this potential client and relay ways we’ve helped our current clients.
E-mails can be such a guessing game, and I don’t think there is one almightily email template. One person may trash it while another may love it. My advice…play with the words and make it yours. And, if for some reason the prospective client doesn’t respond, pick up the phone and give setting the appointment by phone a try. But for now, try something like, “Hey [Clients Name], I just tossed you an e-mail but wanted to follow up by phone. Rather than totally catching you off guard, I wanted to see if you had a few minutes to chat later this week or next in regards to [the thing you want]. Is there a time that would work best for you?”
Alright, that’s all for now. Happy appointment setting!
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