As you may recall, last week Inside Radio published an article featuring NASBA Members discussing the topic if sexual harassment. Since then, we’ve heard from many of you as P1 Learning offers content specific to anti-harassment and workplace compliance.
Our anti-harassment series was updated in late-December and we’re fine tuning our state specific content as three states have laws mandating sexual harassment training (Maine, Connecticut, and California). Current courses include:
- Anti-Harassment for Everyone
- Anti-Harassment for Managers
- Writing and Communicating an Anti-Harassment Policy
- Investigating Complaints
- History of Sexual Harassment
- Anti-Harassment in Review
The 80-minute training module in P1 Learning is divided into six different sections which can be completed individually. Sections address anti-harassment considerations for all staff and managers alike, outline a brief history of anti-harassment concepts and provide guidance on investigating complaints and writing and communicating an anti-harassment policy.
Company executives can arrange oversight of staff completion of this and other training modules, including establishing a completion date and receiving a confirmation of individual employees’ completion and passing score.
For additional information on this content, please feel free to reach out to Katey Woolam from P1 Learning by email at or by phone at 816-456-8603.