P1 Learning Blog

Be Your Own Coach

Be Your Own Coach

We’ve all had coaches or mentors in our lives, whether it was your little league coach, a college professor, or a coworker. Coaches are an invaluable resource for everyone, at any stage of life. Their role is to help us learn, grow, and evolve into the best version of...

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The Power of Emotional Intelligence

The Power of Emotional Intelligence

In today's rapidly evolving world, personal and professional success hinges on more than just technical skills and knowledge. Emotional Intelligence (EI), often referred to as Emotional Quotient (EQ), is a crucial factor that plays a significant role in achieving...

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Stay Sizzlin’ This Summer

Stay Sizzlin’ This Summer

School is out, the sun is shining, and summer is here! While summer can be a busy time, between festivals, fairs, and family vacations, it can also be a difficult time to maintain your sales momentum. Whether your contacts are out of the office, or deciding to back off their purchasing for the season, summer can be a frustrating time for sales. Here are some tips to overcome these obstacles and stay sizzlin’ this summer.  

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Equality vs. Equity – One Size Does Not Fit All

Equality vs. Equity – One Size Does Not Fit All

When we start talking to clients, we know that a Customer Needs Assessment is crucial to understanding and meeting their individual needs. We’re told time and time again that one size does not fit all when it comes to advertising and media sales. The same is true in our workplace, and it’s important to ensure that everyone’s needs are met in a way that drives them to be the most successful team member they can be.

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Overcoming Implicit Bias in Sales

Overcoming Implicit Bias in Sales

Conversations about diversity and bias can be uncomfortable, but it is important to understand the role that our own backgrounds, beliefs, and lifestyles can contribute to implicit bias. According to the National Institute of Health, updated January 2022, implicit bias occurs automatically and unintentionally, meaning it’s something we have very little control over. However, these biases can contribute to decisions and behaviors affecting our relationships with coworkers, clients, and communities.

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The Benefits of Microlearning for Your Employees

The Benefits of Microlearning for Your Employees

Keeping your employees engaged and educated on the latest trends can be hard especially if you don’t have the tools to get this accomplished effectively. Did you know that when companies use microlearning they can increase employee engagement as high as 90% and that...

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Maintaining Mental Health at Work

Maintaining Mental Health at Work

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, it’s becoming increasingly important to prioritize mental health. Mental Health is an integral part of your life, and it’s important to take care of yourself in all aspects, including your work life. Here are some ways you...

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Email Best Practices

Email Best Practices

A recent study done by statista.com has shown that the average employee sends and receives 376 emails per day! That is a lot of emails to look over and make sure you are addressing everyone's needs and expectations properly. With all of this going on in our inboxes we...

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