Tailor Your Pitch

Tailor Your Pitch

by | Feb 21, 2018

Lets face it… each department within your organization is crucial to succeed. Without the management team you wouldn’t have goals to shoot for, without the accounting department you wouldn’t get paid, without your on-air or talent team you wouldn’t have a product. Each organization has its own “circle of life”. Although, maybe a bit less stressful than we all learned in the Disney movie, Lion King. But you get where I’m coming from, right?

Today, we’re going to focus on the work of your sales team. Without the work of your sales team, your organization wouldn’t get much business. In fact, this is probably why you have a strong interest in providing your sales staff with highly effective training that improves their skills and helps them seal new accounts.

This is exactly why companies like P1 Learning exist. Along with our partner, ej4, we’ve included a number of skills-boosting videos in our online training library. Each video in the sales category is specific, outlining topics your team needs to learn. For example, we cover ways to pitch sales to clients. Let’s go over how to tailor a pitch so it addresses clients’ needs.

Tell the Client’s Story
Your Company’s story, how it came to be and why it’s great today may seem like important bits of information to you, and they are. However, when your team custom tailors its sales pitch, the main focus of the conversation should be the client. This theme should be the main focus throughout the meeting and be infused in everything you say. For instance, you can address where your client is now and where they can be once they use your products – give the client a vision for the future that gets them excited.

Target Pain Points
Your sales team must always do its research before entering a sales pitch. Doing so will give them crucial information about the client’s background. They should also use that knowledge to drive the conversation. More specifically, the salesperson should address the issues his or her client is having. Does the client lack a marketing strategy? What about their strategy needs help? Get specific in your sales pitch, pointing out where they need your company’s help. Then, explain exactly how your company can make improvements and what a partnership could do for them.

Walk the Walk
Don’t just tell clients how your company can fix their problems – show them. Come to the sales pitch armed with demonstrations, facts and figures. You can even demonstrate your company’s offerings using your clients’ pain points. That way, the people in the meeting can envision what their future looks like with your company. You basically want to show that you’re not selling smoke and mirrors: You’re selling a proven system or product that can absolutely help the client.

Listen, Feel and Just Talk
Some people make decisions based on evidence and logic while others look to their feelings and intuition. Target each type of person, as there are bound to be both in your client’s party. Draw on their emotions by painting the big picture and sharing a grand vision you can help them accomplish. Target the logical people by showing data and giving examples of what you’ve done for other clients.

Just as important is how you deliver information. Don’t look at your sales pitch as a speech, but rather a conversation. When you have a conversation with someone, you listen carefully to what they say, then respond. Do the same in your sales pitch, and keep the tone approachable, helpful and caring.

Tailoring a pitch to every individual client is one tool your sales team needs. They can learn that skill and many others to help boost their numbers and abilities through targeted training. And that’s where P1 Learning’s content comes into play.

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