A few weeks ago we had the honor of co-hosting an event with Swagger Institute called Rising Above which was a virtual sales & management media summit. To our knowledge, a virtual “conference” for the media industry had never been pulled off before, so we’re almost positive that we were the first! Our mission was simple: Get the word out that in this COVID-19 world, success and positivity is possible. Thanks to a full team effort, we’re pretty sure we nailed it! Here’s a quick rundown of the event…
Day One
The virtual summit kicked off with management training. Speed Marriott from P1 Learning and Derron Steenbergen from Swagger Institute spoke on the topic Crisis Creates Champions. During this presentation, we learned the difference between a manager and a leader and the traits necessary to Rise Above our current situations… that in crisis, champions get made!
Following that session, we had Laurie Kahn from Media Staffing Network address how to reset a company’s hiring strategy in this new normal. The session was titled, The 4 R’s of Recruiting in the New Normal. Key takeaways from this session were to change your mindset on what your ideal team needs to be. Start thinking outside the box for talent, and if you are not hiring right now to start building your pipeline of candidates so that when you are, you have a list of qualified people to contact right away.
To wrap up day one, we had the honor of having singer-songwriter, Patrick Woolam play a live acoustic set that included music from rock to country. We also featured managers and sellers from across the country who shared their stories on the street and what they are doing to stay positive and motivated. It was a perfect way to end a great first day of learning.
Day Two
After a kicked back evening with Patrick Woolam, it was time to gear up for full day of sales training. Speed and Derron covered the topic, Saving Main Street. During this session, we learned how both radio and television were responsible for putting Main Street on the map, and there is no better time for us to keep it there!
Specifically, both Speed and Derron covered five tips to save main street, including:
- Immediately Begin Re-Engaging Your Clients
- Seek First By Conducting An Updated CNA
- Make Your Listeners/Viewers Tangible
- Owning “Something” Concept
- Become The Main Street Ambassador
To learn about each step, we encourage you to watch our recording of this session which will be available next week.
Next up was Mark Levy with Revenue Development Resources. Mark’s topic was titled, Taking Your Words from Influence to Impact. Specifically Mark highlighted the fact that it isn’t enough to be understood; you MUST be incapable of being misunderstood! In short, role play with members of your team to make sure your message is clear. When selling to a client, you are leading with a benefit and supporting what you are saying with a feature.
We can’t dive too deep into Mark’s presentation as our blog would turn more into a short story, so be sure to catch the recording of Mark’s session which will be coming soon!
Our afternoon was then packed with three more of the best sales trainers in the business. We started with Sean Luce who went over his tips on how to effectively use an ROI calculator when speaking with clients in his presentation Liquid Fire: Lessons from the Media Front Lines to Chris Lytle where he spoke on the topic Building Relationships Your Competitors Can’t Steal.
During Chris’s presentation, he went over what precision language is and how important it is to make sure clients understand what you are saying. He also went over his 3 Secrets to Success.
And then finally we ended the day with Gerry Tabio and Sally Beamer from Creative Resources Group. Their presentation titled, From Ideas to Results led each viewer on a journey of what it takes to create an effective persuasive campaign. From coming up the campaign’s idea using these three ingredients (Name, Tools, and Message). When making a persuasive campaign, one must follow a specific five (5) step process, which again, you’ll want to view.
All in all, this two-day summit was jam-packed with ideas, resources and examples for all who attended to help them become the best seller or manager they can be in this new “normal.” We could go on and on about each presenter and what they brought to the table but rather than us going over what we learned, it would be best if you hear it directly from them. The recordings of these sessions will be available to participating state broadcaster association members who participated in the Rising Above Summit. For details on how to access these video recordings, visit risingabovesummit.com
We hope that you will join us in the future for our next Rising Above virtual summit. If you would like to learn more about this event or other ways that we can work with you and your organization, we’d love to chat! Give us a shout at 888-944-9377 or toss us an email at support@p1learning.com