Recruit, Hire, Train, Retain

Recruit, Hire, Train, Retain

by | Aug 30, 2017

What is the #1 complaint we hear? “Great sales people are impossible to find!”

With the low unemployment rate, it is becoming more and more competitive to locate, attract and hire new sellers. It takes commitment, time, manpower and strategy to succeed. All of which is easier said than done.

Lucky for you, we’ve teamed up with the top recruitment company in our field, Media Staffing Network.

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Specifically, Media Staffing Network has rolled our their Local Sales Recruitment (LSR) program. As a subscriber of LSR, their team of expert media recruiters will coach your management team with out-of-the-box solutions for locating potential sales candidates both in and out of media!

  • Hands-on Support
  • Custom Recruitment Pipeline
  • Sales On-Boarding Program and more

So forget about raiding the competition in your market. With LSR they’ll identify potential local and regional sellers who are not perpetual job seekers. And once your new hire is on-board, leave it to P1 Learning to get them trained with our entry level training program, P1 Plus.


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