Onboarding is one of the most important things a company can do to ensure their recent hire feels confident in their new job. Sadly, this process is not being done correctly at most companies, and one of the main reasons is because they don’t understand what onboarding is. Here are some common myths about onboarding.
Myth #1 Onboarding is the same as orientation
Although these two are similar, they are not the same. Onboarding is a process that begins way before the new hire starts. Onboarding is a more hands-on process that should be done by those in the department the new hire will be working in such as the sales department. It is the job of the department manager to make sure that new hires are comfortable in the role they will play for the company. The hiring manager does not have to do all the training themselves, but they need to make sure it is being done because studies show that 70% of those who are appropriately onboard to a company stay with the company an average of three years.
Although these two are similar, they are not the same. Onboarding is a process that begins way before the new hire starts. Onboarding is a more hands-on process that should be done by those in the department the new hire will be working in such as the sales department. It is the job of the department manager to make sure that new hires are comfortable in the role they will play for the company. The hiring manager does not have to do all the training themselves, but they need to make sure it is being done because studies show that 70% of those who are appropriately onboard to a company stay with the company an average of three years.
For example, prior to your new employee’s first day, craft a welcome letter, make sure they have access to dig into your various products or services, assign them with a mentor at the office and pre-schedule an on-going training curriculum. Then, on that first day, give them the typical “orientation.” You know, “the restroom is on the left and fridge is to the right,” but plan to take them out to lunch on their first day. Also, have an end-of-day meeting. While they might not have much to report on, it will get them into the habit of reporting their findings. Now comes the part that most companies miss… the following 30 to 60 days. In addition to meeting regularly (weekly one-on-one’s), be sure to question their mentor to see how things are going from an outsiders point of view, follow up on pre-set goals and assess future initiatives. You may find that they need additional training in areas that were not first identified while others need less coaching and have the ability to spread their wings faster.

Myth #2 Onboarding is a one-time event
A lot of companies believe that if you show a person how to do something one time, that is all they need to be successful in their job. This idea cannot be further from the truth as it takes the average person three times to hear/see something before they completely understand it. How can you expect an employee to stay with you if they don’t feel valued enough to be trained? Good companies know that learning never ends. They have ongoing courses for their employees in a variety of ways to help them fine-tune and sharpen their skills. Too often managers use the training excuse that their employees are experienced and don’t need training. What about a quick training course on how to “up sell” an existing client, a course focused on new trends or training on rising through the ranks. Not all training needs to be done by the same person on the same topic, but it needs to happen for all experience levels.
A lot of companies believe that if you show a person how to do something one time, that is all they need to be successful in their job. This idea cannot be further from the truth as it takes the average person three times to hear/see something before they completely understand it. How can you expect an employee to stay with you if they don’t feel valued enough to be trained? Good companies know that learning never ends. They have ongoing courses for their employees in a variety of ways to help them fine-tune and sharpen their skills. Too often managers use the training excuse that their employees are experienced and don’t need training. What about a quick training course on how to “up sell” an existing client, a course focused on new trends or training on rising through the ranks. Not all training needs to be done by the same person on the same topic, but it needs to happen for all experience levels.
Myth #3 You have to do the onboarding yourself
While some of the onboarding needs to be done in the office, this isn’t the case for all training. P1 Learning has developed a way to assist companies in the onboarding process with our P1 Plus program. This program is 7-weeks long and takes entry level sellers through an intense combination of online courses, conference calls, testing, and homework assignments. At the close of the program, trainers take sellers through the entire sales cycle resulting in a presentation with a real account. Utilizing a service like P1 Plus allows sales teams to remain focused on their daily duties while giving their new hire great training at the same time. With turnover in most companies at roughly 25% on a quarterly basis, it makes sense to make sure your new sellers feel confident and prepared in their role.
While some of the onboarding needs to be done in the office, this isn’t the case for all training. P1 Learning has developed a way to assist companies in the onboarding process with our P1 Plus program. This program is 7-weeks long and takes entry level sellers through an intense combination of online courses, conference calls, testing, and homework assignments. At the close of the program, trainers take sellers through the entire sales cycle resulting in a presentation with a real account. Utilizing a service like P1 Plus allows sales teams to remain focused on their daily duties while giving their new hire great training at the same time. With turnover in most companies at roughly 25% on a quarterly basis, it makes sense to make sure your new sellers feel confident and prepared in their role.
If you’re interested in getting help with your onboarding process, reach out to one of our team members. We’d be happy to help craft an on-going training curriculum for your team or discuss our P1 Plus program for your new sellers. You can reach us Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 5:00pm at 888-944-9377 or toss us an email at support@p1learning.com.