I know what you’re thinking. The name alone sounds intimidating. But it’s not that bad. Actually the cold call is nothing more than the ultimate “numbers game” with a little bit of detective tied in for good measure. Your goal is to find the right decision maker. But just because you find that decision maker doesn’t mean you’ll make a sale, or even get an appointment.
So as you pick up the phone this morning, remember these five tips.
1. Start from the top and work down.
2. Gatekeepers are your friends.
3. Do your homework.
4. Schedule a meeting ASAP.
5. Be yourself
To view these tips in their entirely, login to your account on p1learning.com and search for the course, “Cold Calling”. If you don’t have an account, register for a free 7-day trial by clicking here.
Now it’s time to pick up the phone and give it a try. No excuses, that’s what we call “call reluctance”, and that’s an entirely new conversation. I’ll cover that one soon.