As the summer winds down and the familiar rhythm of the school year returns, it’s not just children who benefit from a renewed focus on learning. For busy professionals, the back-to-school season presents a perfect opportunity to reignite your passion for...
By Speed Marriott Sports is a product unlike any other. It’s not just about selling sponsorships, promotions, or merchandise; it’s about tapping into the raw, unfiltered emotions that bind us to our teams, our athletes, and the very spirit of competition....
Keeping your employees engaged and educated on the latest trends can be hard especially if you don’t have the tools to get this accomplished effectively. Did you know that when companies use microlearning they can increase employee engagement as high as 90% and that...
As sellers, we’re always looking for tips, tricks… anything to make our lives just a little easier. Listen, media sales can be a challenging and competitive industry and to be the best, one must be willing to put in the time and effort to build a client...
Earlier this summer, P1 Learning’s Speed Marriott and the Swagger Institute’s Derron Steenbergen launched “Speed & Swagger: Ten-Minute Trainer,” a weekly video training series designed to educate and motivate media sellers and managers during these...